National Medication Management works with multiple pre-packaged wholesalers selected by our broad base of medical professional clientele whose requirements include efficiencies, safety, supply chain, and delivery. Our supply partners are DEA and FDA-licensed drug manufacturers and wholesalers who commit themselves to accurate, secure, and failsafe distribution to all states in the U.S. (as applicable by law).
Pre-packaged medications allow you to quickly dispense high-quality medications: double safety sealed bottles packaged in clean-room facilities that are fully DEA and FDA certified and exceed the strict quality control standards set by these regulatory agencies.

Choose from thousands of medications ranging from analgesics, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and other commonly prescribed medications.
This wide variety of available pre-packaged medications, along with a team of experienced professionals, provides maximum flexibility and convenience when selecting your formulary. We can help you align all parts of your business—therapeutic, financial, and administrative—into one profitable, care-centered office program.
Our strong purchasing power gives you savings without compromising quality. Our clientele works directly with multiple pre-packaged wholesalers that meet strict criteria for compliance, quality, availability, and safety. All our supplier partners are DEA and FDA-licensed drug manufacturers and wholesalers who support accurate and secure distribution to any location in the United States (as applicable by law).